Tuesday, July 29, 2008

First post. Trust me, you will come back here sooner than you think.


Welcome, Earthlings.

My name is Bob The Mohawk, and this is the first entry on my blog "The Extreme Misogynist". 
The title can be a bit misleading, because people generally use the world "misogyny" to describe utter hatred towards women as a whole. Therefore, I'd like to start out by explaining what the title means and why I'm starting this blog.

First, the definition of "Misogyny": 
According to the dictionary, it's "hatred, dislike or mistrust of women".

That leads me to believe that most people are "misogynist" to an extent! Even women! How so?
Most men (I'd go as far as saying ALL of the men I know personally) have problems trusting women for different reasons. In addition to that, nobody talks more shit on women than WOMEN.

In my opinion, women have been put in a ridiculously stupid and degrading position within our society for the last 500+ years. I, much like everybody else, have my own religious/political beliefs, but one thing is for sure: It was in SOMEBODY's best interest to put women down. 

That unfortunately created something called "action-reaction" in physics, one of the laws of Newton. Hit a wall, and the wall will hit you back. It's amazing how that works in psychological levels as well, and women particularly can make situations extremely annoying due to that.

You know how if you wear a T-shirt saying "100% black" you are fine, but if you wear "100% white" you are racist? It's kind of the same thing with women. 

They want rights they are not entitled to (such as slapping a guy on the face and then claiming they can't be hit back), simply because they are women and therefore "weaker". 

Will I talk shit about women on this blog? YES. 
Will I be making anything up? NO.

Mostly, I'll be describing situations right after, or at most a couple of hours, after they happen involving women doing, well... women stuff! I will try to remain neutral as far as my personal opinion on the situation, but I am sure sometimes it will be hard. 

That said, I want to get a couple of things I know I will receive through hatemail out of the way. I know those will be the arguments against some of my posts, so I will pre-answer all of that. Now you understand the title of this post. Let's get started:

Statement: "You say that because you can't get laid".
Answer: Sorry to disappoint you. That isn't true at all. I have a very good paying job, I do modeling on the side and getting "laid" was never a problem for me. (I actually think a lot of my knowledge of the female behavior comes from that!)

Statement: "You are gay/You fag/You like dick".
Answer: Nope. I've been married to a beautiful wife for the last 4 years, and she is a woman. 

Statement: "You got fucked over by a girl and now you think everybody like that".
Answer: Wrong. I have never been cheated on (to my knowledge), nor have I ever been dumped by a girlfriend. In fact, all of my relationships have ended amicably and I'm good friends with most of my ex's. 

Statement: "You have no life and too much free time".
Answer: I have no life? Hardly true. You're more than likely a no life than I am. Too much free time? I don't think you can have TOO MUCH free time, but yes I have a lot if. However, I worked my whole life to be earning as much money as I do and still having free time. Thanks for the concern, though. 

Statement: "I wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole/I wouldn't fuck you if you were the last man on Earth".
Answer: I'd rather hear that after you find out who I am/what I look like. Thanks.

Statement: "I am/know/am going out with a hacker! I/he will find out who you are and come kick your ass!".
Answer: Do not bother using your/his hacking skills. Just e-mail me at theextrememisogynist@gmail.com and I will personally give you any information you might need about myself. I'd disclose them here, but nobody is that stupid. As far as kicking my ass... well, I wouldn't try, but this is a free country and you can do whatever you want as long as you deal with the consequences (which as we all known, women aren't known for being able to do that). 

I guess that about covers all that women/women advocates will be able to come up with. That is aside from simply cursing, which will be laughed at and shown to my closer friends. 

NOW, TO THE ACTUAL POST: The Attention Range.

Women are funny. They have a certain "range" of attention you have to stay within in order to get something out of them. Give her too much attention, and she'll think she's worth something and walk all over you. Give her too little attention, and she'll think you are not interested in her. Bottom line is if you're not within the "ATTENTION RANGE" (or AR) when making a move on a woman, you are not getting laid. 

The funniest part is that the better looking she is, the smallest the AR is. Furthermore, the better looking she is, the less she's worth, generally speaking. 

Last night, I went out with three friends of mine. Let's call them Josh, John and Justin. We went to 2 different bars. Of course, in 2 different situations one of us ended up stepping out of the AR and the pretty and insecure girls ended up too comfortable. Sadly enough, in both situations I saw it coming miles away.

The first one was Josh. Our first stop was at a famous club/bar in Hollywood. As soon as we walked in, this pretty brunette started checking him out so openly that it made the 4 of us uncomfortable. 

That was a good thing, though, because the girl was very good looking. We were absolutely sure something was gonna come out of it. It wasn't long before Josh went to the bar to order a drink and the girl (let's call her Kayla) walked to the SAME bar and stopped RIGHT BY JOSH in order to get her own drink. Granted, the bar area was packed, but she could've gone somewhere else. Again, not a bad thing... so the 3 of us turned into spectators of what we knew was gonna be a funny couple of minutes, sorta like watching a sitcom. 

A couple of exchanged words and Josh invites Kayla to come join us at the table. She comes with him, introduces herself to all of us and at first she seemed like a really nice girl.

A few drinks later and I was a little ahead of us as far as alcohol in the bloodstream. I was starting to talk funny and say things I shouldn't be saying. Interestingly enough, I was the only one of us who was not impressed by Kayla. Maybe because I'm in a serious relationship, maybe because I really have a weird taste. Probably both. 

As time went by, Kayla (who at this point had completely ditched her friends) and I started to talk more and more, and she kinda left Josh talking and turned all her attention to me. Now, I love my wife and have no interest in getting other women. We were getting ready to leave when Kayla came up to Josh and said:

- Just so you know, I have no interest in Bob whatsoever. He should know that, too.

- Honey, Bob is very loyal to his wife. Plus, you are not his type. - Josh said. 

- That is so not true! He was totally hitting on me! 

- Ok. Think what you want. But you are NOT hot enough for me to care about you. You should've kept talking to Josh. Your ego wouldn't be destroyed by now. - I interrupted, as we walked towards the door and I tried as hard as I could not to look back and see how angry she was. I didn't have to... 

We walked out of the bar as I couldn't stop laughing, but I was actually really angry and wanted to break every bone in her body with a goddamn baseball bat!

Now, let's analyze the situation: I don't have any interest in cheating on my wife. Especially with some bar whore. Josh, however, is single and always looking for some pussy. 

When they started talking, Josh slowly started entering the AR, when my drunken self got too close to Kayla and found myself filling the "meter" faster. I, however, did NOT say anything that would suggest I was hitting on her. In fact, I made sure she knew I was married (or "extremely married" as I told her).

The problem here, was I told her flat out that she was pretty. Now, I said that because she mentioned she was trying to get a job as a bartender. The sentence was exactly: "Well, I don't know your bartending skills, but you are pretty and I'm sure that counts a lot". My idea was more to call her a worthless piece of meat than anything, but like every women, she misunderstood that.

The saddest thing is that situations like that happen on a daily basis. Kayla gave me all the attention she did because she somehow sensed that I was not interested in her, unlike the other three. 

I will go back to the same night  on my next post. A very similar situation happened hours later and you need to know that. It can't be just coincidence.

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Oh, and don't forget to send your hatemail or compliments or whatever the hell you want to theextrememisogynist@gmail.com. I promise to respond to every message!

- Bob The Mohawk