Friday, August 8, 2008

The night goes on...


Holy cow... I got over 50 e-mails after ONE post! Talk about bothering people. It's funny... the truth

always bothers the dumb fucks wasting our space and oxygen. 

Only two comments on the blog, though. Funnily enough, both of them absolutely confirm exactly

what I wrote. Is that great or what?

Let's examine what the two "people" wrote on their comments:

Comment: "you're blog made me laugh even though I'm somewhat of a feminist. I don't hate you or any of that I agree that lying is the most fun a girl can have with out taking her clothes off."

Answer: I'm 100% positive that this is about the smartest comment I'll ever receive from a woman. Unfortunately, there's still a bunch of WRONG things about it. First of all, I absolutely hate people who misuse "your" and "you're". The comment starts with "you're blog" and it should be "your blog". YES THIS IS IMPORTANT AND NO I'M NOT A NERD. 

Second, you say "I'm somewhat of a feminist". What in the fuck is that supposed to mean? You should go look up the word 'feminist' in the dictionary. Feminist does NOT equal whore! Feminist means that you want men and women to have equal rights. In that aspect, I guess I am a Feminist too. But wait, I'm a misogynist... how can I be a feminist? Oh that's right... because I KNOW WHAT THE FUCKING WORD MEANS. 

Third, "...the most fun a girl can have without taking her clothes off". Any woman who sees sex as "having fun" is a worthless piece of shit. So congratulations... now you're not "NOTHING" anymore. You are a "WORTHLESS PIECE OF SHIT". That's an improvement, eh?

Comment: "Bob, I get what you're saying... sadly I'm too far from being any similar to those girls you may find in a bar... but I do agree... there are some girls that really embarrassed themselves easily...but so do men."

Answer: I should've added "I'm not like the other women" on the first post, among the things I wanted to get out of the way. I don't know how I forgot to add that, but I did so I have to deal with bullshit comments like that. 

"There are some girls that really embarassed (sic) themselves easily... but so do men" - Uuuuuh NO! That's not true at all. I mean, men will invariably get so drunk they'll end up fucking a mammoth or two. They might also get their ass kicked after being a moron to a bigger guy. However, women when they drink they turn into total and complete free hookers. And what bothers me the most is that it happens way more often than with men.

As far as e-mails go, I received mostly messages from people agreeing with me and saying that the world needed a blog like this, etc. However, I wanna go through a particular one: 

E-mail: "I understand most girls are sluts nowadays, Bob. At the same time, if they don't sleep around, people call them prude or uptight. My question to you is how can we win? Are we either sluts or nuns?"

Answer: I'm with you on part of that one. However, your statement isn't true. It's not like you're either a nun or a whore. What happens is that WOMEN made it like that. Again, it's because of the goddamn tabus! "Oh I can't fuck this guy that I really like because he'll think I'm a whore". This is all YOUR fault. Can't you women just be NORMAL and have sex NORMALLY? When you are 20 years old, you should have had sex with 4 or 5 guys. That's normal. 20 or 30 and you're a piece of shit. It's all about moderation (like everything in life). Go and have fun with a guy you like, but don't do inexcusable things for a line of coke. That makes you worth getting shot in the face!


After leaving the bar (and the angry/frustrated cunt behind), we headed to another bar in the Hollywood area that we really like going to. We were talking about what had just happened, and Justin seemed to be surprised. Me, I know how women are so I made a "prediction": It'll happen again, before the end of the night!.

Sure enough, we met up with one of Justin's female friends at the bar and I knew there was a fairly big possibility that she was gonna be the new protagonist. There were other women at the bar, but you know how those things are. 

As previously stated, the percentage of alcohol in my bloodstream was higher than all of the others, and they were already to the point of telling me to slow down. As a misogynist, the drunker I am, the angrier I get at women, and more pissed off I get at their bitchy attitudes and the more I speak the truth. I believe that's why my friends wanted me to slow down. They knew something was coming... and boy, did it come.

I started talking to Justin's friend who'll henceforth be referred to as Tiffany (by the way, I picked that because it's the typical fake name used by cheap hookers haha). Tiffany was very nice at first, but not attractive at all (well, to my taste. I don't like women with bigger faces than my own). 

It seems to me that the uglier a woman is, the more delusional she is about what she looks like. I don't know what it was, but I really had a feeling that Tiffany was thinking everybody was interested in her. That's just beyond me. She was uglier than all hell. Nice, yes. But FUCKING UGLY!

Despite her looks, I had fun talking to her (maybe because I was drunker than she was ugly) but at no point I had interest in doing anything past that. I don't remember much from that time, but I do remember talking to her about ANAL SEX at one point. I never told her I wanted to fuck her in the ass, I just told her I liked it. Somehow she thought I wanted to do her. 

She then proceeded to tell Justin that I was hitting on her... needles to say, I was NOT. I had no interest in that girl whatsoever, she was way below anybody's standards! I was pissed at her... but I know women well enough so I didn't say anything. If I did, I'd have hit her. 

The day after, she comes over to Justin's when I was sober. We were going to meet up and go to another bar. For some reason I ignored what happened the night before and rode in her car by myself with her. During the drive, she asked me if I was ok and mentioned that I had too much to drink. She then proceeded to tell me I shouldn't be hitting on other women because that wasn't right, because I was married. 

THEN I got really pissed off! I did NOT hit on her or anybody else the entire night. That cunt was absolutely convinced I wanted to fuck her. She even said "I'm gonna make sure if you drink you don't hit on anybody". My God, she actually FUCKING BELIEVED I WAS INTERESTED IN HER. I get pissed off just typing this! 

So what does this story has to do with the past one? The AR! I had no interest whatsoever in Tiffany and her big face/head, but when I talked about Anal Sex, she thought I was giving her attention, and let's face it: If you talk about Anal sex with a girl, you ARE giving her attention... way too much fucking attention... if you're saying you want to have it with her! 

At the end of the day... all women lie. They're all a bunch of worthless whores and they lie about it. Some guys hate it... some guys believe it. Truth be told...I'm sick and tired of people like that. Have you ever heard guys saying "I hate Paris Hilton because she's not laying on my bed"? That's about as big of a loser as one can be! I hate Paris Hilton because I can't beat the fuck out of her. 

You make me sick! On the next post I'll have a new story about a certain girl who has skanklike and groupielike attitudes and lives in the UK.

So long, cunts. 

- Bob The Mohawk
